Sports Screening
A Sports Screening assessment will allow you to target specific areas to improve your performance levels to achieve the goals you are aiming for within your given sport.
A Sports Screening assessment isn't about recovering from a specific injury, but highlighting areas that you can work on to improve your performance. This screening is particularly helpful for those that are struggling to progress in their sport - whether this is because they are not as strong as they would like to be or as flexible as required.
Golfer - wanting increase your flexibility and swing speed?
Runner - wanting to improve your times?
Footballer - wanting to improve your speed, strength or endurance?
Initial Discussion
We will first gather information about the sport/sports you participate in and what goals you are looking at working towards.
We will ask about your injury history (if any) and what your current training looks like to help us target the most appropriate areas.
During your initial consultation your physiotherapist will perform a physical examination to establish what level of function you have. This will involve testing specific structures that could be causing a lack of progression in your sport or could be causes for future injuries.
We recommend that you wear suitable clothing which allows you to move freely.
Personalised Management Plan
Upon completion, you will be given an explanation of the key findings from your assessment and your physiotherapist will then work with you to come up with a personalised management plan to enhance your performance.
You will be given time to ask any questions you may have.